Wednesday, March 21, 2012

So Why Rope?

I think this is a blog that I will continuously revisit along my journey.
I would say first of all I have a thing for fetish.  I realized it about 6 years ago.  We had a subscription to Playboy TV, and they had a show called "sexcetera".  To me it was like an overly sexual 60 minutes.  An hour long show with 4-5 segments about different sexual topics.  They my visit a strip club in a random city, and compare and contrast the clubs in different cities, then the next segment would be an artist who sculpts nudes.  Followed up by midget porn.  But what I took from it every week was a window of what other people are into.  I found that I really like to see what turns other people on. 
So a few years back I was browsing the web, and found a local rope class.  It was for "kissing couples" as they called it.  Unfortunately my husband had a prior engagement that particular Saturday, and I wasn't able to attend. It's one of those things that I've always sorta looked back on  like, "man I wish I had done that"

the next thing is that rope is cheap.  I could be into leather, or latex, but that would be have a higher startup cost.  And more research to the proper store to start shopping.  But with rope, all I had to do was head down to the local hardware store.  (yeah it's interesting to know that my use for my rope is very different than the next persons)

I also love the art of it all.  When I look at pictures I'm equally intrigued by the beauty of the models, and the intricacy of the knots.  Yeah this is a topic I will come back to.

Monday, March 19, 2012

The DSL used to be so fast....

As  a birthday gift to myself, I turned off the DirecTv at my house.  Okay let be back up, there are two facts that link me turning it off and my birthday.  The first is that my husband is a huge football fan. If there is a game that he can watch, he will watch it. I don't care if it's 6 year olds at the local park, Australian rules, or his beloved home town NFL team, he has to watch football in the fall. 
So when I brought up the idea of no longer paying for television the first question he asked me was "what are we going to do about football?" So I agreed, we would keep paying for TV until after the Super Bowl.  My Birthday happens to be in early February. perfect timing.

So we have been a little more than a month with rabbit ears on our TV.  So far so good. The kids are spending more time outside, we have even had family joke night where we start telling random jokes to each other.

But here is the kicker.  One thing that I thought would happen when I stopped paying for TV was that I would spend more time streaming shows and movies we like from sources like Netflix or network websites.  but what I'm finding is that our DSL connection just doesn't have the bandwith to support steaming shows. I notice that the problem is worse in the evenings than it is during the day. 

So tonight I was going to stream a TV show before bed, and I can't even get netflix to load all the way on our wii.  Now i now that our PS3 does a better job than the wii does, but it's not in the room I'm in, and I'm not willing to go get it.

Sad huh?  So I guess I'll practice my knots.  Tomorrow I'll post some pictures of what I've been working on. 

Friday, March 16, 2012

I didn't write yesterday, I was cuddled up with my husband watching Kill Bill Volume 2.  There is something about women kicking each other's asses that is empowering.  Not a pulling each other's hair cat fight but a serious fight to the death I hate you kind of fight.  Another thing that's cool about it is that they aren't fighting over a man.  yeah there is a man involved, and for the most part it is ts the story of a scorned woman, but she is a hell of a scorned woman.  Left for dead by her former coworkers, yeah I'd be pissed to if I woke up from a coma looking for my unborn child, yeah I'd go on a rampage as well, and I'm not a trained killer. 
But I digress, some might sit here and wonder why i am talking abotu a bloody movie (bloody as in the liquid stuff, not the british saying) But to me Kill Bill speaks to girl power.  Women express their power in a different way from men.  Stereotypically there is sex involved in some way or another. But when it comes to bondage, a woman is usually on the receiving end.  usually the one being tied. When I started down this path, I figured I wanted to be the one tied.   But as I learn and practice my knots, I think I will be the one doing the tying.  or it will be give and take.  I'm not sure. 

So i'll ask myself over the next few weeks:  Is submission the giving of power? or gaining it?

Sunday, March 11, 2012

So why a blog?
I know 5 years ago the big thing was to have a new experience and blog about it. So I guess I'm a little late.
Another factor was that then I had a pretty cool friends list on yahoo 360 with whom I could share random sexual thoughts.  Now the world seems to have moved onto facebook and you connect with everyone; your mom, your second grade teacher and the neighbor two blocks down the street. Oh, don't forget about your kids soccer coach.  So there are just some things I can't talk about on facebook. S&M is one of them.  Sometimes it's just easier to say things in front of strangers.
So here I am in 2012 starting a blog.

It's only day two but it's time for an update.  I think I have that double coin knot down. I had a piece of rope with me today, and I could tie that know in my hoodie pocket.  I guess that is a step in the right direction.  But I started working on a celtic knot last night, and that one is giving me so trouble. I can do it with the directions, but I don't have it memorized yet.  I guess I won't pick up every knot quickly.  If I did it wouldn't be an adventure.  So maybe the next time I will post that knot.

One last thing for today.  My husband asked me why I was practicing the knots so diligently.  I think he is a little worried that I might just tie him up. Who knows, I just might

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Getting started

I'm not sure if anyone will find this, I guess that is how a lot of blogs start out. 

So here is where I am today.  Somehow over the last few months I've developed a fascination with rope. so after browsing a few websites and shopping around on amazon I picked up a "Two Knotty Boys" book.
So for the next few weeks, I will be learning a new knot every couple of days until I have a few mastered. This week's knot is the coin knot.   I'm trying to get it mastered so that I can tie it without having to think about it.

So here is my first effort.  
it's just my practice rope.  A two foot long piece of nylon I can keep in my pocket and pull out without attracting too much attention. 

As I continue on my journey I'll share my ups and downs, my frustrations and my excitement. I'll also share little bits about my background, my life and how I got here.

I think this is enough for today.  Just a little bit to get me started.